It can be said without a doubt that wallpaper has been gaining favour over years when it comes to wall decoration. Gone are the days when it was available only in boring shades of yellow and blue.

Earlier, the choice was extremely limited with the availability of only flocked and paper backed wallpaper. But the introduction of vinyl, fabric backed, grass-cloth, and foil wallpaper has added great value to wallpaper.

This has lead to the ability to customize your walls with a wide range of patterns, prints, designs, and colours. From bright colours to make the room look large and vibrant, with dark shades to make the room look small and calming, the choices are endless and keeps getting better every day.

This brings us to the important question of why should you choose wallpaper over other methods of wall decoration? Here are a few reasons that would help you understand why.

  • Setting the theme: The availability of patterns, designs, and coordinated colour schemes would help you add personality to your house.

  • Creating details: You can transform the dull white wall into a colourful and vibrant space by adding your elements by the use of wallpaper. Do not hesitate to use wallpapers to decorate your office lobby and your house living room.

  • Economical: While installing them, you might find wallpapers to be a bit expensive. But the thing you are not considering is the longer lasting effect of it. Compared to any other wall treatment process, wallpaper is easy to maintain and lasts longer.

  • Added value: Wallpaper can bring a certain quality to the house compared to uncovered walls. It can cover the flaws in the walls with ease – a feature that paint does not have. It protects the wall from high traffic and daily wear and tear.

  • Customization: let your imagination speak. Wallpaper lets you put your ideas on the wall. It helps you personalize the walls with your favourite things.

Integrating wallpaper into your life

It has been established that wallpaper brings a lot of options while comparing with other forms of wall decorations. This brings us to the next question. How can we integrate wallpapers into our daily life?

To answer that we should be able to realize wallpapers are not just wall decorations, but it is a way of expression.  It is a way to express ourselves, our interests, personality, and our likes. The wallpaper decorations of a house can easily sum up the kind of people living there because it reflects their character as it is.

Integrating wallpaper into your life is an easy process as it does not always require you to renovate or remodel your home. It only needs a special occasion such as a birthday or a wedding to add a personalized wallpaper that would highlight how you feel about it.

The availability of printable wallpaper is a boon to mankind as it lets you customize wallpapers exactly the way we want it to be. Keeping that in mind, let us take a look at some of the ways to integrate wallpaper into our daily life.

1) Birthday Party Decoration

Birthdays are the most special day of a person’s life. A day that reminds them the beauty of birth and how much their family and friends loves them. This calls to make every birthday a special occasion and wallpaper can add value to the process of celebration.

Birthday celebration involves cakes, feast, singing, and dancing. But the personalization of the walls with wallpapers might be the reason that adds value to the process of celebration. Customized wallpaper especially available for birthdays can bring a celebratory look to the party hall.

With printable wallpaper, the whole process has become easier.

Some of the ideas of customizing wallpaper for birthday party are:

  1. Family Photo: Adding pictures of your family or a group picture with his/her friends.

  2. Pattern wallpaper: Adding celebratory patterns and designs that can bring more colour to the party.

  3. Personal Photos: Customize wallpaper with the picture of the person celebrating their birthday from the time they were babies, to the schooling and college age, to the present.

  4. Personal Milestone: Highlighting the pictures that feature specific events and strong points from their life.

2) Children Bedroom

Let us face it! Bedrooms are the most important and liked room of our home. The freedom to personalize it can help make space have a great effect on ourselves.

This makes it an important thing to customize the bedroom walls of children according to the style and form that they are into, so as to give the room a personalized touch and make it a positive environment perfect for them to involve in their day to day activities.

Doing this would help them have a connection with the room. This improves their ability to relax when they are in the space and involve in studying and other activities with great focus.

The sense of belongingness can do wonders when it comes to a kid’s life and help improve their life in all the other aspects too.

Some of the ideas to put to use while customizing a kid’s bedroom wallpaper would be:

  1. Light Tone: To add light shades would help in making the room have a larger feel. It would also add a calming feel to the room helping them get over stress and strains of their school life.

  2. Cartoon: Cartoon or superhero wallpapers would be ideal to customize a kid’s wallpaper. Having their favourite cartoon or superhero character on the wall can help the kid be motivated to do their work and have a positive outlook on things when they are in the room.

  3. Natural elements: This can have a positive impact on a kid. Involving their favourite kind of animals can add value to the wallpaper altogether.

The kid would find these ideas mesmerizing as they would have a room that is unique and different in a great way compared to the rest of his/her friends. Find these 21 Best Cartoon Wallpapers for Kids Room here.

3) Wedding Decoration

The wedding is the most important occasion in the life of any person. It is the special day that they would want to etch in their memory for the longest period of time.

There are photographs, videos, rings, wedding clothes, and many other things that would help you remember that wonderful day throughout your life. But it is common to have these things stuffed away from out of sight and only taken out when we specifically think about the event.

This is the reason why wallpaper comes in handy. Wallpaper’s long-lasting property coupled with the ability of printability adds great value to the purpose.

The countless pictures that were taken during the wedding can be not stuck on the walls of your home as a reminder of that wonderful day when you shared your love for your better half and pledged to spend your life besides them.

The effect of a wallpaper designed after your wedding is that it would always be visible to you whenever you are in the room, reminding you of the love and care for them with all your heart.

Following are some of the ideas you can use while designing wedding wallpaper:

  1. Bride and Groom Photo: A wall with the picture of the bride and groom. This would help in enhancing the depth of the relationship.

  2. Family Photo: The picture of the bride and groom family or bridesmaids and groomsmen with the location of the wedding in the background.

  3. Ring: The enlarged version of the hands of the bride and groom with the rings in focus.

  4. Flowers: The flowers and decorations used on the wedding day.

4) Office Wallpaper

The first thing that comes to mind when we think about the office is the stress and strain that we go through on a regular basis. But it does not have to be that way.

A positive outlook on the work you can have a world of difference in the way you deliver on the project you are working on. It all depends on our mindset.

If we are in a positive mood, it would have a positive effect on our work, and if the mood is negative, you would not be able to get the work done in a proper manner no matter how much you try.

There are a few things that can change this outlook and wallpaper definitely is one of the ways. It can inspire or break a person.

Having positive shades and motivational message can help bring about a required change in the way a person works. The most important thing to keep in mind while designing the wallpaper for office spaces is to use patterns, prints, and styles that would help the people working there have a connection with space. It is important for them to be relaxed and choosing the appropriate wallpaper can do the trick.

Some of the ideas that can be used while designing the wallpaper for a corporate space are:

  1. Company logo: People are happy to work with a well-reputed company. Having the logo of the company in the wallpaper would help to be a constant reminder for the employees that they have always wanted this job and motivate them to perform better.

  2. Motivational quotes: Including quotes from inspiration people on the wallpaper can help the employees find the ounce of inspiration they lack at times and help them push forward to give their best on the project they are working on.

  3. Unique shade: Going for the corporate colour or a unique shade for the wallpaper throughout the office would help in maintaining the balance of each room. This helps in keeping the energy level same throughout.

  4. Objectives: The wallpaper can also consist of company short term and long term goals, including company Vision and Mission. Doing this can convey a clear message to visitors on where the company if heading oncoming years.

  5. Staff Photo: The photo employee of the quarter or the year can be added to the wallpaper. These would help the employees be focused and improve the competitive spirit in them.

5) Businesses or Shop Wallpaper

Shops and businesses can definitely benefit from personalized wallpaper that brings out their quality. Customizing the wallpapers in such spaces would help in bringing a certain sense of uniqueness that can help in building a base of regular customers for the business.

What makes a business stands out is the uniqueness of their product, their services, or space where the business is done.

It is a known fact that if a business has nothing new and different to offer, it is hard for them to sustain. Ambience being one of the things that can be offered in a unique way, wallpapers play an important role in it.

The wallpaper is one of the decorations that can be exploited to make a difference in the ambience which would help in bringing customers back to your shop again and again.

Here are a few ideas you can use to make the space unique and stand out from the rest:

  1. Company History: Summarizing the history of the business on the wallpaper, giving important dates and milestones the business has achieved over the years. This would help the customers know more about the business without having to go through the internet.

  2. Staff Photos: The photos of the staff members with a bit of information about them can be put in the wallpaper. This would help in developing a connection between the team and the customers as they know about the staff a little more than they usually do at the other places.

  3. Product Photos: Photos of the products that are on the menu can be printed on the wallpaper. If the customer is into any of the product, they would be attracted to enter the shop premises instantly.

  4. Mission and Vision: Mission and vision statement of the business can be provided in the wallpaper so that the people who opt for their service can get to know more about the things that can be expected from the business.


Incorporating the great variety of wallpapers to your home and business can have a positive impact in your life even without you realizing it.

The ability to customize and personalize it can be exploited according to your needs to help you develop your dream space. So make sure you give wallpapers a shot next time you are in a situation of decorating the walls of your home or office space.

Call Us Now To Customize Wallpaper Design and Printing

Wallpapersifu is a professional wallpaper supplier. We are serving customers all around Malaysia, including Penang, Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Melaka to Johor.

If you are looking for customizing wallpaper, feel free to contact us. We have in-house designers, wallpaper printing machines, and professional wallpaper installers to serve you at any time.

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